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当前位置:首页 > 电子报刊 > 《内燃机与动力装置》
  发表:admin(管理员) 日期:2016/3/10 点击率:1390


(合肥工业大学 机械与汽车工程学院)

摘要无氮进气(O2/CO2)代替常规空气进行燃烧是一条能够实现柴油机高效、超低排放的技术途径,试验过程中发现进气温度对无氮燃烧过程有这较大的影响。本文运用AVL fireDiesel的模块对不同进气温度条件的下无氮燃烧过程进行模拟。以进气O2浓度为65%、进气压力为0.095Mpa为基础,设置进气温度分别为315K325K335K345K350K360K370K380K385K9组,模拟分析了燃烧开始阶段燃烧产物的生成、不同进气温度对燃烧特性、动力性和经济性的影响。结果表明:进气温度对柴油机无氮燃烧过程的影响主要表现在燃烧开始阶段,当进气温度为360K时,柴油机无氮燃烧特性曲线与常规燃烧曲线趋于一致。


    Abstract: The combustion without nitrogen is that the engine works with O2/CO2 intake instead of conventional air intake to find a high efficiency and low emissions for diesel engines, and to solve the “NOx-Soot” trade off problem. During the bench testing, we found that the inlet temperature had high impact on the process of the nitrogen-free combustion, so we used the AVL fire to simulate the process of the nitrogen-free combustion under different inlet temperatures. In this simulation, respectively, we set the intake air temperature as 315k, 325k, 335k, 345k, 350k, 360k, 370k, 380k and 385k. We analyzed the combustion products in the combustion start phase, the effect of different inlet temperature on the combustion characteristics, the power performance and the fuel economy of engines. We found that the influence of inlet temperature on the nitrogen-free engine combustion was more obvious in the combustion start phase, and the characteristics curve of the nitrogen-free combustion was similar to the conventional one when the intake air temperature was 360K.

     Keywords: Diesel Engine; Nitrogen-Free Combustion; Numerical Simulation; Intake Air Temperature

版权所有 © 2014 山东内燃机学会 联系电话:0531-80687025 地址:济南市长清大学科技园海棠路5001号 邮编:250357
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