(江铃汽车股份有限公司,江西 南昌 330030)
摘要:在一台机械泵柴油机上开展了氧化催化剂(DOC) +颗粒氧化转化器(POC)+选择性催化还原转化器(SCR)组合后处理装置对排放的影响研究,考察了组合后处理装置的排列顺序。试验结果表明,DOC+POC及SCR单后处理系统都不能同时满足国V标准对PM和NOx的限值要求;DOC+POC+SCR组合后处理装置方案能够使试验柴油机达到国V排放标准。通过对组合后处理装置和管路的优化使整体背压小于25 kPa,降低对柴油机经济性和动力性的影响。
Abstract: An experimental study was conducted on a diesel engine with mechanical fuel pump using DOC+POC+SCR combined system to meet China V emissions standard. The research was focused on the selection and the arrangement of the aftertreatment units. The results show that PM and NOx cannot simultaneously meet China V emissions standard with only DOC+POC or SCR; however, both PM and NOx can meet China V emissions standard with DOC+POC+SCR combined system. The backpressure of the combined system can be reduced below 25 kPa through the optimal design of the packaging structure, reducing impact on fuel economy and performance of the engine.
Key Words: diesel engine; emissions; combined emission aftertreatment system