(山东理工大学 交通与车辆工程学院,山东 淄博 255000)
摘要:在GT-Power软件中建立一个增压天然气发动机仿真模型,通过模拟数据与实验数据的对比来验证模型的准确性。利用GT-Power中的DOE模块在额定功率和额定转速下的工况下对增压天然气发动机性能进行了优化。其中以负荷、点火提前角、压缩比、进气门开启时刻、排气门开启时刻为影响因素,以最高爆发压力为约束条件,以发动机最大扭矩、最小燃气消耗量和NOx最小排放量为目标变量进行优化计算。结果表明:发动机采用优化参数后,最大扭矩、燃气消耗率等性能指标得到了改善,NOx 排放量降低。
关键词:天然气发动机; GT-Power; DOE; 优化
Abstract: The turbocharged natural gas engine simulation model was builded in the GT-Power software, and through the comparison of simulated data and experimental data to verify the accuracy of the model. Using DOE model of GT-Power study performances of the turbocharged natural gas engine under rated power and rated speed. The load and ignition advance angle and compression ratio and inlet valve open time and exhaust valve open time as influencing factors, the maximum firing pressure as constraint conditoins, the maximum engine torque, minimum gas consume rate and minimum NOx emissions as a target for the optimization calculation. The results show that the engine after using optimized parameters, some performance indexes such as the maximum torque and gas consumption rate are improved and NOx emissions is reduced.
Key words: Natural gas engine; GT-Power; DOE; Optimization