(1.广西科技大学汽车与交通学院,广西 柳州 545006 ;
2.广西柳工路创制造科技有限公司,广西 柳州 545006 )
Abstract: Experimental researches on engine power, economy and emissions have been done on the turbocharged diesel engine fueling biodiesel from swill oil, exploring the influence of biodiesel from swill oil on diesel engine performance. The results shows that the diesel engine fueling biodiesel has lower power changing at the rate from 2.83% to 8.23%, higher specific fuel consumption, and higher effective heat efficiency, improving the efficiency of energy utilization. While engine load increases, its effective heat efficiency rises much more from the range of 1.8% to 6.7%. Under the majority of working conditions, engine exhaust emissions reduce somewhat.
Key words: Swill Oil; Turbocharged Diesel Engine; Power Performance; Economy; Emission Characteristics