(大连理工大学 内燃机研究所,辽宁 大连 116024)
摘要: 利用质谱联用仪检测酸化大豆油甲酯的组分,基于检测结果计算其热物性参数。利用KIVA3V模拟研究135柴油机燃用柴油和纯生物柴油的燃烧和排放,并研究喷油持续期对其的影响。结果表明相同功率条件下,生物柴油的油耗率比柴油大,但是随着喷油持续期的增大,油耗率差别减小;最大缸温Tmax和最大缸压Pmax均高于柴油,并随着喷油持续期的增大,出现的时刻推迟;CO和soot排放均低于柴油,而且随喷油持续期的增大排放差距增大;NOx排放高于柴油,但随着喷油持续期的增大,NOx的增加量降低。另外,喷油持续期对柴油和生物柴油燃烧和排放的变化趋势有着不同的影响。
关键词: 生物柴油;喷油持续期;排放;油耗
Abstract: Chemical compositions of a pure soy biodiesel were detected with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS), and thermal physical properties were calculated. The effect of injection duration on emission of biodiesel engine was investigated with KIVA3V.The results showed that brake specific fuel consumption was higher when biodiesel was fueled but decreased when the injection duration increases; the peaks of temperature Tmax and pressure Pmax were higher and the crank angle corresponding to Tmax and Pmax were put off when the injection duration increased; CO and soot were lower and the difference in emissions was larger with injection duration increase, however, NOx was higher when it was fueled with biodiesel, but the trend was decreased when injection duration increases. The effect of inject duration was different when diesel and biodiesel were fueled
Key words: Biodiesel; Injection Duration; Emission; Fuel Consumption