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当前位置:首页 > 电子报刊 > 《内燃机与动力装置》
  发表:admin(管理员) 日期:2014/9/24 点击率:1641

张艳楠 申辛未



   关键词:汽油机;怠速;滚振; 稳定性

Experimental study on rolling vibration character of gasoline engine crankshaft at idle condition

Wu Bin Zhang Yannan Shen Xinwei

(College of Environmental and Energy EngineeringBeijing University of TechnologyBeijing 100124)

    Abstract: Four-cylinder gasoline engine idle closed-loop control system and the crankshaft rolling vibration test system were established. The crankshaft rolling vibration characteristic which indicates the idle stability of the engine was experimentally investigated at 650 rpm, 800 rpm and 1000 rpm, respectively. The amplitude-frequency characteristics and phase-frequency characteristics of rolling vibration within 50 continuous cycles of the engine show that the average amplitude of 0.5 order vibration is the largest and there are large fluctuations in the cycles, that of 2.0 order is the second, and that of 1.0 order and 1.5 order are relatively low. The 0.5 order vibration and its cycle fluctuation is due to the difference of combustion pressure of each cylinder and its cycle fluctuation. When the idle speed increases, both the average amplitude and the cyclic fluctuation amplitude of 0.5 order and 2.0 order rolling vibration reduced significantly. When the idle speed changes, the difference of combustion pressure of each cylinder is variable, and the phase of 0.5 order rolling vibration changes as well.

Key words: gasoline engine; idle speed; rolling vibration; stability


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