逄学艳 郭彬 毛华永 郝胜兵; 鲁国江
山东大学能源与动力工程学院; 河北安吉宏业机械股份有限公司;
【摘要】 对天然气加热器进行了台架试验。因气态燃料极易与空气混合燃烧,故不易在热交换器内壁产生积炭和烟灰,其热效率比燃油加热器高10%以上。为了消除高温燃气因流动短路而造成的热损失,尝试了在热交换器肋片出口端面增加燃气均流环并进行了试验。另外,为了削弱热辐射及传导所造成的热能流短路损失,还做了在燃烧室外加装遮热筒试验,其试验效果显著。
【关键词】 天然气加热器; 热效率; 燃气均流环; 遮热筒;
【Abstract】 In this paper,experimental
researches were carried out on the natural gas heater.Since gaseous fuel mixed
with air is easy to burn,little of carbon distribution is produced in the
interior of heater exchanger,and the thermal efficiency of gas heater can be
improved by more than10% compared with fuel heater.In order to reduce the
thermal losses because of hot gas flowing in a short way,we tried an experiment
in which a gas current-sharing hoop was added on the exit of heater exchanger
rib.In addi... 更多
【Key words】 Natural Gas Heater; Thermal Efficiency; Gas Current-Sharing Hoop; Heat-Protection Tube;