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当前位置:首页 > 电子报刊 > 《内燃机与动力装置》
  发表:admin(管理员) 日期:2014/7/7 点击率:1816

                     费洪庆 田杰安,雷舒蓉,陈永哲,闫伟 




    AbstractUsing Fluent softwarethe designing coach thermal management system are designed in this paper. The vehicle starts reflux phenomenon in the engine cabin under the condition of low speed. Coming through the air intercooler, radiator, there is a large part of hotter airflow return to the side cabin ventilation grille of the coach in the engine cabin under the suction of fan, which is not conducive to the heat dissipation of the engine cabin, especially in the low speed, high torque operating conditions. Through the calculation, we have a verification of that this phenomenon is almost not caused by engine heating the flow, but for the suction of fan. After the structure optimization, the reflux phenomenon has been greatly improved; meeting the demand of bus thermal management system.

    Key words: Heat Management System; Engine Cabin; Fluent; Reflux; Coach



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