1.潍柴动力股份有限公司,山东 潍坊 261061;2.林德液压(中国)有限公司,山东 潍坊 261061
摘要:为实现国六柴油机NOx排放精准有效监测,依据柴油机国六排放标准对车载诊断系统(on board diagnostics,OBD)监测NOx排放的要求,提出一种以选择性催化还原(selective catalytic reduction,SCR)转化效率为基础的监测与标定方法,结合某柴油机进行标定并验证SCR劣化件的报错情况与正常件的误报错余量。验证结果表明:该方法能够实时准确计算SCR转化效率;并及时有效判定NOx排放是否超OBD监测限值,符合国六标准对OBD监测NOx排放的要求;使SCR正常件能够留出合理余量防止误判,使SCR劣化件能够有效甄别并及时触发监控器,实现有效监测的目标。
Abstract:In order to accurately and effectively monitor the NOxemission of CHINA VI diesel engine, a monitoring and calibration method are proposed according to the OBD monitoring for NOxemission requirements in CHINA VI emission regulations. The error reporting of degraded parts and the error margin of normal parts are verified by calibrating a certain type of diesel engine. The verification results show that the proposed monitoring and calibration method can accurately calculate the SCR conversion efficiency in real time, and determine whether the NOxemission exceeds the limit of OBD monitoring timely and effectively, so it meets the requirements of OBD monitoring for NOxemission in the CHINA VI emission regulations.
Keywords:CHINA VI diesel engine;OBD monitoring;NOx emission;SCR conversion efficiency