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当前位置:首页 > 电子报刊 > 《内燃机与动力装置》
  发表:admin(管理员) 日期:2022/4/30 点击率:638


上海交通大学新能源动力研究所,上海 200240

       摘要:为研究不同清洁剂对积碳生成的影响规律,选取市场上常见的聚醚胺、聚异丁烯胺各3种清洁剂试样在金属片积碳试验台架上进行试验,研究清洁剂种类及其质量分数和温度对汽油积碳的影响,并在喷油器积碳生成台架上测试喷油量。结果表明:聚醚胺在温度为120~150 ℃时,清洁效果良好,在160~200 ℃时没有清洁效果;聚异丁烯胺在120~200 ℃具有一定的清洁效果,在120~150 ℃清洁效果不如聚醚胺;汽油中聚醚胺的质量分数对积碳的清洁效果影响较大,其质量分数为0.02%时清洁效果最佳;汽油中聚异丁烯胺的质量分数对清洁效果的影响相对较小,其质量分数为0.01%时清洁效果最佳;按照聚醚胺与聚异丁烯胺质量比为12进行复配的清洁剂具有良好的清洁效果。汽油中复配清洁剂的质量分数为0.02%、温度为160 ℃时喷油器积碳生成试验结果表明:复配清洁剂汽油积碳生成后喷油量比积碳生成之前下降5.86%,聚醚胺汽油、聚异丁烯胺汽油、基础油对应的下降率分别是6.45 %5.13%8.76%


AbstractIn order to study the influence of different detergents on the formation of carbon deposits, three common detergent samples of polyether amine and polyisobutylene amine on the market are selected to test on the metal sheet carbon deposit test bench, and the types and the influence of mass fraction and temperature on gasoline carbon deposit are studied.The fuel injection flow rate is tested on the injector carbon deposit generation bench. The results show that polyether amine has a good cleaning effect at 120~150 ℃, but does not have a cleaning effect at 160~200 ℃; polyisobutylene amine has a certain cleaning effect at 120 ~200 ℃, the cleaning effect is not as good as polyether amine at 120~150 ℃.The mass fraction of polyether amine in gasoline has a great influence on the cleaning effect of carbon deposition,the best mass fraction is 0.02%.The mass fraction of polyisobutylene amine in gasoline is relatively less affected by the mass fraction, and the best fraction is 0.01%. According to the mass ratio of polyether amine and polyisobutylene amine of 1:2, the compounded cleaner can produce good cleaning effect; the compounded cleaner is tested at 0.02% by mass and 160 ℃. After the formation of carbon deposits, the fuel injection volume decreases by 5.86% compared with that before the formation of carbon deposits.The corresponding reduction rates of polyether amine, polyisobutylene amine, and base oil are 6.45%, 5.13%, and 8.76%, respectively.

Keywords: carbon deposition; polyether amine; polyisobutylene amine; compound

版权所有 © 2014 山东内燃机学会 联系电话:0531-80687025 地址:济南市长清大学科技园海棠路5001号 邮编:250357
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