1.内燃机可靠性国家重点实验室,山东潍坊261061;2.潍柴动力股份有限公司,山东潍坊261061; 3.潍柴动力扬州柴油机有限责任公司, 江苏扬州225009
Abstract:The abnormal noise of a light diesel engine clutch used in a harvester at different speeds is analyzed by means of spectrum analysis, modal simulation and testing. The reason of abnormal noise is ascertained that the outer gear ring of clutch hints the inner gear ring of the flywheel of engine, which cause the resonance of the flywheel structure. On this basis, the noise excitation source, transfer path and structural response are systematically analyzed. Some improvement measures are taken, such as combustion optimization, increasing flywheel stiffness to reduce structural response, thickening baffle and adding sealed soundabsorbing cotton. The experimental results show that the improved scheme is very effective in noise reduction.
Keywords:abnormal noise; spectrum analysis; modal simulation; modal test; transfer path analysis