(1、海军驻青岛造船厂 军事代表室,山东 青岛 266000;2、中国石油集团济柴动力总厂,山东 济南 250306)
Abstract:In order to analyze the relationship between the wear of
liner in the small end of the connecting rod and the pitting on the upper edge
of the cylinder sleeve,the friction state of the liner at the top dead ceuter
and its relation with the lateral swing of the piston are deduced from the
friction principle of the liner and the influence of the lateral vibration of
the piston on the top dead ceuter.And by quantifying the liner wear and the
pitting on the upper edge of the cylinder sleeve and correlation analysis
between quantitative proofs of the relationship between them,the results show
that the strong correlation and correlation effect of partial wear.
Key words:Liner in the small end of the connecting rod;the upper
edge of the cylinder sleeve;wear;corrclation