(中国汽车技术研究中心,天津 300300)
关键词:紧耦式排气歧管; 汽油机; 一维仿真; 三维仿真; 优化设计
Abstract:The original cast iron exhaust manifold of a certain gasoline engine has some problems. For example, the structure is complicated and heavy, and cannot meet China 5 Emissions standards. In order to solve these problems, a closely coupled exhaust manifold is designed. Using GT-Power to calculate and analyze the working process of the engine, the optimal structure size and connection trend of the exhaust manifold are obtained. Star-ccm+ was used to build the 3D model of the exhaust manifold, analyze and optimize the distribution of air flow in the exhaust manifold, and get the optimal design scheme of the exhaust manifold. Engine tests were also conducted to compare the performance of the original and the new exhaust manifold.
Key words: Tightly Coupled Exhaust Manifold; Gasoline Engine; 1D Simulation Analysis; 3D Simulation Analysis; Optimization Design