摘 要:本文基于当前国内外重型发动机的技术发展现状,针对欧美最新的排放标准,分析了重型发动机的技术发展趋势,对比了当前重型发动机先进技术路线,讨论了新的排放标准下几种关键的重型发动机先进技术,分析了可行性,为“研发一代”重型发动机新技术提供技术储备。
Abstract: Basing on the present technical status of heavy duty engines home and abroad, and referring to Euro and EPA emission standards, the paper analyzes the tendency of technological development of heavy-duty engines, makes a comparison to the routes of advanced technologies, and describes several critical advanced technologies of heavy-duty engines under new emission standards, analyses their technology feasibility , and provides technical reserves for “Generation of exploration and development ”of engines.
Key words: Heavy-Duty Engine; Advanced Technology; Emission Standard; Technical Reserve