摘要:振动机械在散性物料的处理及搬运中 ,充分显示出效率高、耐高温、结构紧凑、工艺适应性好的特点 ,其应用越来越广泛。本文归纳整理了振动机械在铸造生产中的应用类型 ,并就其设计过程、使用特点进行分析论述 ,以期在更广更深的领域内 ,使振动技术得到进一步的开发和利用。
关键词: 振动;振动机械;特点;应用
Abstract: Vibration machine find wide
application in management and transport of loose material, because vibration
machine have a high efficiency, high temperature endurance, small structure,
and good technical adaptability. In order to apply vibration technology to more
wide fields, this paper summarized the application types of vibration machine
in founding production, and discussed the design process and the application
Keywords: Vibration; Vibration Machine;
Performance; Application