摘要:由于可燃气体具有燃烧后排放性能好的特点 ,因此使用可燃气体作发动机的燃料既可以节省能源 ,又能减少空气污染。但是 ,使用燃气发动机出现的动力性下降和可靠性变坏等 ,在很大程度上又限制了它的广泛使用 ,成为亟待研究解决的问题。为促进我国燃气发动机技术的发展 ,本文在参阅有关最新研究资料的基础上 ,就国内、外燃气发动机的发展动向进行初步分析
关键词: 燃气发动机;;气体燃料;;燃烧;;空燃比;;稀薄燃烧
Abstract: Combustible gas features low
pollution, so gas engine can save energy and reduces air pollution. Application
of combustible gas to engine may low its dynamics and its reliability, so gas
engine is limited in application in much wide fields. The problem needs to be
solved. The paper analyses the trend of domestic and oversea engine referring
the newest research information in order to promote development of gas engine
technology in China.
Keywords: Gas Engine;Gas Fuel;Combustion;A/F
Ratio;Lean-Burning Combustion