摘要:本文对 5 0 0kW沙漠型燃气发电机组主要特点、技术规格和应用情况作了介绍。利用天然气发电大幅度降低了工矿企业的用电费用 ,充分利用了排空的天然气或其他可燃性气体 ,节约了能源 ,同时节约了排空天然气的燃烧费用。因此 ,利用天然气发电取代电网和供电线路的建设 ,可直接降低油田的采油、采气和集输成本。特别是电网不完善 ,电力资源紧缺的沙漠地区 ,利用可移动天然气发电机组建成发电站进行发电 ,是沙漠地区创造高额经济效益的最佳选择。
关键词: 燃气发电机组;;沙漠;;可移动;;发电站;;经济效益
Abstract: The paper introduces main
characteristics, technical specification and application of 500kW mobile desert
gas generating set. Generating electricity fueling natural gas can decrease
greatly electricity cost for industrial enterprises, save on energy and cut
down expenses on gas burning because of utilization of expelled natural gas and
other combustible gases. Generating electricity fueling natural gas can also
decrease costs on oil and gas pumping and delivering because it is not
necessary to construct electrified wire netting and electricity lines. Mobile gas
generating set is an ideal equipment to build power station in desert lack of
electricity and perfect electrified wire netting and is able to make high
Keywords: Gas Gen-set;Desert;Mobile;Power
Station;Economic benefits