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当前位置:首页 > 电子报刊 > 《内燃机与动力装置》
  发表:admin(管理员) 日期:2014/11/26 点击率:1561




    关键词: 汽油发动机;;空燃比;;电控;;均值模型;;建模;;仿真

       Abstract: An engine model was established for the 4 cylinder 4 stroke gasoline engine.And the fuel MAP of the mode engine was obtained by scaling experiment.According to the engine operating feature and control requirements,the controller models was made for three main types operating conditions,stable operating condition,transient condition and idle speed condition.Further more,the architectures of these models and the general simulating processes was described.The results show that the controller can choose the relevant controller for different operating condition automatically;the air/fuel ratio reaches the expected value;the controller has better control performance and reference value;this can be the basic of the electric control system for further study.

      Keywords: Gasoline Engine;Air/Fuel Ratio;Electronic Control;Mean Value Model;Simulation




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上一篇:基于3DS MAX的燃油喷雾可视化系统
版权所有 © 2014 山东内燃机学会 联系电话:0531-80687025 地址:济南市长清大学科技园海棠路5001号 邮编:250357 法律咨询专家:董庆华