关键词: 摩托车;;抗性消声器;;Helmholz方程;;有限元法
Abstract: Finite element analysis is
applied to analyze different structures of motorcycle reactive muffler.effects
of different length and diameter of the expansion chambers,different extensions
of inlet and outlet tubes of a single expansion chamber muffler have been
studied.First,the mathematic model of the single expansion chamber muffler has
been built,and then the Finite Element Method is applied to solve the Helmholz
equation.The results show that extensions of inlet and outlet tubes can improve
the disadvantages effectively of the passing frequency of the single expansion
chamber mufflers.It also shows that the transmission loss reaches the maximum
when the extension of inlet tube is l/2 and the outlet tube is l/4.It provides
a foundation for selecting optimal muffler structures and corresponding optimal
dimension parameters in a short time without a great deal of muffler machining
and experiments test.
Keywords:Motorcycle;Reactive Muffler;Helmholz
Equation;Finite Element Method
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