(潍柴动力股份有限公司 技术中心,山东 潍坊 261205)
关键词:DOE 排放 经济性
Abstract:Taking a six-cylinder diesel engine performance development as a example, introduced the hardware selection and performance calibration used the DOE experimental design method to complete the development of the engine .In the process of selection, adopted advanced DOE theory, through using the least testing resources to determine the final plan. At last, using the software that comes with the test design process, software modeling algorithm and optimization procedure for the data analysis and modeling calculation, obtain the best economic under the target of emission. The results show that the application DOE
theory can use less number of trials to determine the best scheme. Using software Cameo , design the DOE
point, to establish a global model of the engine, complete the performance of the engine calibration. Comparing with the normal calibration, efficiently and accurately, saving a lot of trial resources to get better results.
Key Words: DOE;Emission;Economic
[1] 倪计民, 杜倩颖, 周英杰, 刘疆, 杨挺然. DoE在高压共轨柴油机优化设计中的应用.内燃机学报,2009,27(3)