关键词: 预混压燃;;废气再循环;;可变气门正时
Abstract: Combustion process has a
significant impact on the performance of internal combustion engine.Premixed
Charge Compression Ignition engine(PCCI) can effectively reduce SOOT,while its
NOx emission level gets rather high.For using an external EGR,NOx emission can
be efficiently controlled.In this paper,a 3-dimensional CFD code is used to
study the combustion process of a modified 4102BZLQ diesel engine.By adjusting
IVC and advancing fuel injection,PCCI can be performed.To reduce NOx and noise
emission,an external EGR is added.A systematic study on the NOx,CO and HC
emissions with different EGR is done and the influence is analyzed on PCCI plus
EGR to NOx,CO,HC formation.
Keywords: PCCI;EGR;VVT
基金项目: 安徽省自然科学基金资助项目(090412030)
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