【摘要】 随着形式发展需要,柴油机动力轿车也开始逐渐进入中国市场,由于消费者对柴油机的传统印象不好,所以在NVH性能,特别是排气噪声处理上格外谨慎,本文介绍了轿车由汽油机换为柴油机后对排气系统进行的更改设计,并通过试验结合GT-POWER软件对设计进行了优化、验证,在不改变排气系统整体走向和布置边界的情况下,最终设计的排气系统满足各方面性能的要求。
【关键词】 柴油机;排气系统;消声器;
【Abstract】 As automobile business
develops,diesel engine driven auto-cars have been gradually in Chinese
market.Because consumers has have poor impression on diesel
engines,NVH,especially exhaust noise treatment should be considered
greatly.This article introduces the optimized design of exhaust system while
the gasoline auto-cars are modified to diesel cars.This design is validated
through experiment with combination with GT-POWER software.Finally,designed
exhaust system is satisfied to performance requir
【Key words】 Diesel;Exhaust System;Muffler;