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当前位置:首页 > 电子报刊 > 《内燃机与动力装置》
  发表:admin(管理员) 日期:2014/8/27 点击率:1544




    AbstractIn order to examine the matching of a complete sets of system consisting of crankshaft signal wheel, camshaft signal wheel and different sensors, and to analyze the influence of different installation position on sensors signal output, a measurement and control system for the signal wheel sensor test-bench was developed. The system was composed of the foreground controller based on a 16 bit microcontroller and IPC with a high speed synchronous data acquisition card. The original signals of an inductive crankshaft position sensor and a hall-effect camshaft position sensor, signals of two photoelectric sensors to detect the edge of teeth and shaped crankshaft position sensor signal were acquired synchronously. The running and stopping control and speed regulation of the frequency conversion motor on the test-bed were implemented by means of an Ethernet network communication interface. The practical testing results show that the signal acquisition requirements with high speed and high precision can be fully satisfied for matching tests between signal wheels and sensors.

     Key wordsSignal Wheel Sensor Test-bench; Measurement and Control System; Data Acquisition; Network Communication


版权所有 © 2014 山东内燃机学会 联系电话:0531-80687025 地址:济南市长清大学科技园海棠路5001号 邮编:250357 法律咨询专家:董庆华