关键词: 机油耗;活塞环;活塞动力学;窜气量
Abstract: The sealing effect of piston
rings in reciprocating engines has a major impact on blow-by gas and lube oil
consumption.The sealing is achieved by the gas forces acting on the top and
back side of the rings.Inertia forces arising from the oscillating vertical
stroke and shear forces due to the secondary piston movement influence this
sealing effect by a reduction in contact pressure.Numerical simulation of the
piston and ring dynamics solves this non-linear problem and predicts the
interaction between piston secondary motion,axial ring motion,and 2nd land
pressure.This paper describes the modeling of the cylinder kit dynamics of a
six-cylinder diesel engine for several operating conditions and ring
modifications.A simulation method is described which predicts lube oil
consumption.The influence of boundary conditions and adjustment parameters on
piston ring motion and gas penetration was investigated.
Keywords: Oil Consumption;Piston
Ring;Piston Dynamics;Blow-by Gas
früOelverbrauch und Blow-By zwischen Kolben,Kolbenringen und
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